Big Sky Mind

I’m Not As Smart As A Fifth Grader
February 28, 2007, 3:08 pm
Filed under: Knitting

So as promised, I managed to get my post-felting clog pictures to a place where I can actually post them for view.  I have to say I am pretty disappointed in how they turned out.  The pattern was a bit complicated and for some unknown reason, one turned out with a round toe and the other one is more of a pointy elf toe.

Post Felting Clogs

The fit is not perfect either.  I’m going to try a different pattern sometime in the future.  I did discover while doing some surfing/research yesterday that hand spun yarn felts very well.  This may be the solution as to what to do with all of this handspun mess I’ve been creating, knit it up and throw it all in the washer.  Oscar wasn’t really in a posing mood the other night when I took these pictures, maybe he was still feeling gulity about his afternoon adventure into the great outdoors, but he couldn’t help getting involved in the photography process.

Oscar and Post Felting Clogs

And what am I knitting now you ask?  I have a secret gift in the works, and I’ve started David’s Anarchist Man Messenger Bag.  It looks like a big, black blob in the picture, and at this point that’s what it is.

David’s Messenger Bag

As far as my next project, I have a couple of different things that I’m thinking about.  One is a blanket, one is a shawl.  I think I may save the shawl until late spring/summer, when it is too hot and uncomfortable to knit anything else.  One problem with reading other people’s knitting blogs is that I keep seeing projects that I want to make.  I also welcome suggestions, no guarantees that I will make an item, but I’m open to the possibilities.

So did anyone watch “I’m Not As Smart As A 5th Grader” after the Idol last night?  I like to think of my self as being pretty smart and well read, but I guess I’m as wrong about that as I was some of the questions.  Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to go and study a 4th grade history book.

I Was Going To Post Clog Pictures
February 27, 2007, 4:00 pm
Filed under: Politics

But they never made it to where I needed them to be, so you get this instead.


It’s not really my habit to have too much to say about politics, but doesn’t he look really evil?  I know I’m always smirking after an assassination attempt.  He looks like a James Bond bad guy if you ask me.  I wonder what is going through his mind?  “Just try to kill me, don’t you know, I’m an evil robot!”  Maybe, maybe not, but jeez what a creepy photo. 

Escape Artists
February 26, 2007, 5:54 pm
Filed under: Pets

Simon and Oscar Looking Out the Backdoor

Yesterday while David and I were visiting Cara at the hospital (she is doing really well by the way), husband Carl decided he would go next door to visit with our neighbors.  I know that he thought he got the door shut, (as Oscar and Simon are “indoor only” cats) but unfortunately he didn’t get it pulled all the way shut and the wind must have blown it open.  When he came back across the yard, Oscar was on the front porch and Simon was down on the sidewalk, headed for the driveway.  Upon seeing him coming back across the yard, they both bolted straight back into the house.  Simon went so far as to go all the way upstairs and hide.  Now why did they run back, did they know they weren’t supposed to be outside?  Did they feel guilty?  I’m just relieved that they didn’t run the other way.  We don’t make them wear collars, they would just choke each other with them, so they don’t have any identification except id chips.  They could have been gone.  I’m so glad that they decided it was better inside. 

Random Friday Thought
February 23, 2007, 9:24 pm
Filed under: Random


I read something this week about the final practice for the Bassmaster Classic Fishing Tournament.  How do you practice for a fishing tournament? 

Separated At Birth? Pt. 2
February 23, 2007, 8:53 pm
Filed under: Pets, Separated At Birth?


Why does Oscar look like a dog?

Separated At Birth?
February 23, 2007, 4:50 pm
Filed under: American Idol, Separated At Birth?

NosferatuPHil Stacey

I know it’s mean, it’s horrible, I just can’t help it.

Whom Do You Dress to Impress?
February 23, 2007, 4:17 pm
Filed under: Random

The Office

Last night I was watching my favorite tv show, “The Office”.  Michael and his sidekick Dwight were going to a fancy dinner party at the CFO’s house.  When they arrived Michael realized he was wearing the same shirt and tie combination that the serving staff for the event were wearing.  He made poor Dwight switch with him to avoid embarrassment.  Today is our casual Friday at our office, the last Friday of the calendar month.  I don’t know why it is, but I sometimes find that picking out something to wear on these days much more challenging than regular work outfits.  You would think it would be easier, just throw on some jeans and go.  My desk is right in the lobby, so when people come in, I’m the first one they see.  This makes me feel like I shouldn’t dress “super” casual, torn up tee-shirts or the like.  I want to be comfortable, but not sloppy.  Then there is the “D” factor.  David is one of my bestest buddies in the whole wide world, he is also my fashion stylist/adviser/enabler/critic.  If something isn’t working he will tell me about it, and I LOVE that, don’t get it twisted, but that adds some pressure to my wardrobe choices.  Must look good for David.  We have a saying “It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, as long as you look cute”.  It’s a great motto to live by I think.  What did I choose for today you ask?  Grey sweater, jeans, black ballet flats and a hooded black sweater instead of a coat.  As we were walking into the CO this morning one of David’s first comments to me was “You’re look is rocking, love the color thing you’ve got going on.”  I guess I chose well.  So whom do you dress to impress?

Thoughts and Prayers for our little CaraBeara
February 22, 2007, 2:27 pm
Filed under: Friends

Care Bear

My very good friend Cara is having surgery today, so please send all of your happy good recovery thoughts and wishes her way.  She has been ill for a while now, and hopefully the surgery today will start the beginning of her not being sick anymore.  I like to think of today as problem removal day. 

I was able to sleep last night until 4:30 which seems like a victory to me.  I think that staying up until 10 p.m. for the last two nights watching the Idol really helped me.  I know that David is going to have quite the forum about the Idol on so I will save my thoughts and comments for that. 

Due to the extreme fog yesterday, my darling husband Carl decided it was time for him to have a cellphone.  I have been trying to talk him into this for a LONG time.  So I rushed out right after work and got him one.  He is very excited about it, new toys are always fun.  I just know that on his fairly long and dark trips into work in the mornings, if anything ever happens, he will have a way to call for assistance which is a HUGE relief to me.  I have decided to give something else up for lent and beyond.  I was reading Ann’s description of a very scary incident over at and it made me realize that I don’t ever need to be talking or texting (yes I’ve done it, I’ll admit it) while I’m driving.  So no more.  I need to work on doing one thing at a time more often.  I realized this as I was watching the Idol, text messaging, talking on the phone, and knitting all at the same time last night.  Multi-task much? As you may or may not know, I am self-diagnosed  ADD.  That is why I gave myself the task of reading a book from beginning to end for lent.  I can’t tell you the last book I actually finished.  Even magazine articles seem long to me these days.  I know, I know, I’m a yoga teacher, I should be all peaceful and easygoing and not racing around like a chicken with my head cut off.  But unfortunately, that isn’t the way it is.  Like the great philosopher Hoobastank once sang “I’m not a Perfect Person”.  I know I’m scatterbrained, and I’m working on it.  Oh look, there goes a chicken…

I Keep My Eyes Wide Open All The Time
February 20, 2007, 1:56 pm
Filed under: Knitting, Pets

So I just can’t sleep lately.  It’s getting really bad.  My problem isn’t falling asleep.  I can and do go to sleep very easily.  I go to sleep early usually around 9 p.m.  My problem has been that I’m waking up at 2:30, 1:30, last night was 12:30 and I can’t go back to sleep.  Then I start to panic that I can’t sleep and I’m not getting enough rest, and I am subbing two yoga classes tonight and I won’t be at my best.  You get the picture.  Now I believe this problem has started to become a self-fufilling prophecy.  I’m convinced I can’t sleep which makes it even worse.  I’m not quite ready to try medicine yet.  Tylenol P.M. didn’t work the other night, I still woke up at 1:30.  Anyone know of any easy home remedies?  I’m going to try to stay up until 10:00 p.m. tonight.  Maybe the combination of that plus the two yoga classes will be enough to let me sleep through the night.  I’ll let you know.  So originally this post was going to be about my enormous pre-felted wool clogs.  I promised pictures and here they are.

Pre Felted Wool Clog

In case you can’t tell how big that really is, here it is compared to my foot.

Foot Vs. Clog

My assistant Oscar was very protective of the gigantic clog.

Oscar and the Wool Clog

And because his fans have been clamoring for it, here are a couple of photos of my other assistant Simon posing with the clog in progress.

Simon with Clog Big

Simon Eyes Shut Big

Simon fortunately doesn’t share my sleeping problems.

Weekend Update
February 19, 2007, 2:52 pm
Filed under: Knitting

It has not been my habit to post on the weekend, but I am feeling in the mood. Hopefully I will be able to post my pictures. Carl let me know that he did not need a knitted hat, that he has some, he just chooses not to wear them. So, I made myself a hat instead. It is made from the Noro silk garden yarn. It was a really fast knit, I started it Friday night and finished it by noon on Saturday.  Since it is Monday morning, you can tell I was not able to post pictures from my computer into my blog.  But I have the pictures and the technology to do it now.

Noro Hat

I was also able to finish My So Called Scarf.  My assistant Oscar graciously agreed to pose with the scarf as it was blocking for size compairsons.

Oscar and Blocking Scarf

I started my felted wool clogs.  One is knitted up, the other one is in progress.  Pictures soon to follow.  I was thoroughly entertained by the Daytona 500.  The last 50 laps were very exciting, lots of accidents, no injuries, thank goodness, and a photo finish. 

Nascar Photo Finish

This was the finish, very dramatic.  I was really rooting for Mark Martin in the Army car to win, he came about as close as you can without winning, it just wasn’t meant to be.  There was a giantic accident unfolding behind these two cars. 

Clint Bowyer

This is the worst wreck of the day, poor Clint Bowyer was a half a lap from a top ten finish when he got turned upside down and caught on fire.  Fortunately, he crawled right out of the car, only a little confused on his finishing position.  And for my favorite driver, Dale Jr.  His day didn’t turn out like he planned.

Dale Jr. Accident

He got caught up in an accident in the late laps that pretty much destroyed the old Budweiser Chevy.  The Nascar circus heads to California next weekend for the Boring 500.  It will be nap time for sure.

Tommorow is Fat Tuesday, are you giving up anything for Lent?  I am planning on giving up reading Celebrity Gossip Blogs.  I gave this same thing up last year, and I think with all of the Anna Nicole and Britney coverage these days, it is really for the best for me to take a break from it for awhile. 

 Bald Britney

 It just makes me feel sad to read all about their poor messed up lives.  I gave up buying new clothes for the enitre year, so I guess I can include that as well.  I think I will also try to read an entire book from beginning to end during lent.  Personal enrichment, if you will.  That may be the toughest thing for me to do.  I’ll keep you posted.  Have a great Monday!