Big Sky Mind

Two Days to Turkey Day
November 20, 2007, 11:03 am
Filed under: Family, Knitting, Television

Darling Husband Carl and I are hosting his family for Thanksgiving this year. We finally came up with a count of people last night. 22. This is a major undertaking. I’m happy that his Mom doesn’t have to deal with all the stress. And actually, I feel confident that we have things pretty well under control. I’m off to the store for more provisions, so here is a quick knitting update photo for you.
Knitting Progress
Not too much getting done these days truth be told. I worked on the holiday dishcloth last night during Dancing with the Semi Famous. How bout our buddy Helio? Two, count ’em two, perfect scores! I don’t even have a guess on who’s going home tonight. Hopefully it’s Marie, but as everyone keeps reminding me, she does have the Mormon vote. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.